Shveta Shourie is a Mindfulness Coach and the founder of Mindful Presence. She has been practicing various forms of meditation for over 20 years. With a diverse experience as a Chemistry Teacher, Materials Engineer, Entrepreneur, Meditator and a Reiki Master she now teaches the secular and science based practice of Mindfulness to adults, adolescents and children. Her coaching, trainings and workshops are unique as she incorporates both Mindfulness and Growth Mindset, which she believes, go hand in hand. She hopes to see the next generation more connected, confident, empathetic, wiser and imbibed with mindfulness and growth mindset.

The discontentment in most people’s lives, jobs and relationships is because we are not present in the now but running after something in the future or ruminating in the past. Shveta is passionate about teaching these life skills to children at a younger age so that they are equipped with the tools and the wisdom whenever they find themselves in a challenging situation and are able to use it instead of being on autopilot and letting blame, anxiety, sorrow, anger, jealousy, addiction to alcohol, smoking, drugs or smart screens take over.

Shveta imagines a world full of compassionate people, free of gun violence, drugs, greed and ignorance. And if we all make little bit of time to cultivate and practice Mindfulness and its principles, we would be leaping forward towards this beautiful society that is more tolerant and empathetic.



Mindfulness and Growth

Mindfulness and Growth Mindset classes and private sessions for children K-12.

Mindfulness and Growth Mindset classes and private sessions for children K-12.

Mindful Eating

Mindful Eating classes for health and fitness

Mindful Eating

Mindful Eating classes for health and fitness

Mindfulness and Growth Mindset

Mindfulness and Growth Mindset classes for Professionals

Mindfulness and Growth Mindset

Mindfulness and Growth Mindset classes for Professionals

Mindful Parenting

Mindful Parenting Classes

Mindful Parenting

Mindful Parenting Classes

Stress Reduction

Mindfulness for Stress Reduction

Stress Reduction

Mindfulness for Stress Reduction


They Love us back

Experience The Potential of Mindfulness

Experience the Potential of Mindfulness,Growth Mindset And Neuro-Linguistic Programming(NLP)