Being raised in a world wired with technology, my children often favor activities that offer instant gratification and they were quick to get upset over the most trivial matters. As much as I want to be there for my children every moment of their lives to protect them from bullies and other difficult life situations, I want them to be self-sufficient and be able to problem solve any stressful situation on their own. Shveta’s mindfulness training gives my children fundamental tools to think for themselves rationally and emotionally regulate their feelings to cope with and resolve various problems. It also teaches children to think calmly and to reconnect to the present moment. In addition, the teaching on growth mindset and resilience help children understand success and failure at a deeper level.I’m happy to see a positive change in my children’s thought process and their abilities to work through their own challenges. I can’t say enough how much I appreciate Shveta as she is deeply passionate about what she teaches. Shveta is very genuine, loving, and caring. She truly has my children’s best interest at heart. I most appreciate that she communicates with parents what she teaches in class and share tips with parents on how to cultivate mindfulness in our children in practical ways so that my family as a unit can also practice mindfulness and maintain healthy relationships with each other.